One day, Jerry woke up an was getting ready for work. Jerry works for a compony delivering bananas to the zoo in a van. Meanwhile Zoey was at the zoo waking up all the animals for people to see. Zoey went to the monkeys habitat to wake then but… they had ecaped though a hole in the Zoo wall.
Jerry pulled over to get so sushi from the sushi shop for lunch, but when he can back to his van it was gone. He got a taxi back to his house and started to plan how he was going to find the van. He turned on the news and a got ready to go to bed until he heard on the news that their was a van of monkeys driving like crazy on state highway 3. Jerry grabbed his motorcycle and drove as fast as he could to catch up to the van but then… CRASH,BOOM the monkeys flipped the car the and bananas went everywhere.
Three days later, Jerry got fired from his job but he got a new one at the zoo with Zoey. and the monkeys got caught and put back into the zoo.